onderzoek en schrijven
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Neem een ​​kijkje in ons meest recente onderzoeks- en schrijfmateriaal:
Recentelijk onderzoek en schrijven
Lucas Gassel
Journey to Emmaus or
Plot against Joseph?
Analysis and findings on the actual theme that Gassel intended for his painting
Journey to Emmaus
Harry Gruyaert
Photography is for Harry Gruyaert a form of catharsis trough which he processes his deepest emotions in an attempt to feed the needs of his id
Finding inspiration in art in time of quarantine
Whereas we are restrained to a current stare of isolation and solitary confinement, Romantic landscape artists were in search for exactly these circumstances
Project - analysis of the role of the museum, from being a source for information and learning in becoming a space for participation in social and cultural life
New Romanticism in Contemporary Art
How are Current Debates of Contemporary Society Portrayed in the Visual Arts?