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M4CE - Museums for Cultural Exchange

Museums 4 Cultural Exchange is an educative project that researches The Social Role of the Museum: Museums as Spaces for Cultural Exchange. The project focuses on the role of the museum, from being a source for information and learning in becoming a space for participation in social and cultural life.

Interested in joining a cultural exchange experience? We will be more than happy to tailor make a cultural exchange project that will fit the purposes and exhibitions of your museum.

This cultural experience will take place between your museum, a museum abroad, as well as schools within the respective countries.

This project contains activities that will bring the museum closer to children, make them learn about local and international heritage and transform your museum into a space of cultural exchange. The participants will take place in five main activities that involve the active participation of school groups in various cultural exchange activities that will take place in the classroom and in their regional art museum.

​Please contact us for further information and consequently a tailored made cultural exchange program specially designed to fit the needs and expectations of your museum.


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